Special Force Of China : The Best Special Force

Special Force Of China : The Best Special Force

apiyan aulia

China has a number of special operations and special forces units that are part of the People's Liberation Army (PLA), as well as other branches like the People's Armed Police (PAP) and the Ministry of State Security. Each of these units is trained for specific types of missions, including but not limited to counter-terrorism, reconnaissance, and unconventional warfare.

The Special Force Of China Is Divided Into Several Parts :

apiyan aulia

PLA Special Operations Forces (SOF) 

These units are the elite special forces of the People's Liberation Army. They are trained for various types of missions such as direct action, counter-terrorism, and high-value target elimination.

Naval Special Operations

Also known as the "Jiaolong" (or "Sea Dragon") these are equivalent to the U.S. Navy SEALs and are trained for maritime and underwater missions.

PLA Airborne Corps

While not exclusively a special forces unit, the PLA Airborne Corps is an elite rapid-response unit capable of executing a wide range of missions.

Snow Leopard Commando Unit

This is a unit under the People's Armed Police, specialized in counter-terrorism, riot control, and other high-risk tasks. They are often deployed in urban settings and are trained in close-quarters combat.

Ministry of State Security

Though not a military unit, it's worth mentioning that China's Ministry of State Security does have specialized teams trained in intelligence collection, counter-intelligence, and potentially other clandestine operations.

Siberian Tiger and Falcon Special Operations Units

These units are also part of the People's Armed Police and are primarily focused on internal security, though they may also participate in international missions.

Local Police SWAT Teams

Many of China's largest cities have their own SWAT (Special Weapons and Tactics) units trained in counter-terrorism and hostage-rescue operations.

Training for these units is extremely rigorous and often includes a wide range of combat skills, survival techniques, and specialized equipment training. They may also receive language and cultural training for overseas deployment.

It should be noted that information about China's special forces is not always readily available due to the secretive nature of these units, so details could be limited.

apiyan aulia

Special Force Rank 

rank of  special force china? Certainly China has several special forces or elite military units. One of the most notable among them is the People's Liberation Army Special Operations Forces. Here's an overview:

People's Liberation Army Special Operations Forces (PLA SOF)

Background (PLA SOF) :

The PLA SOF are special operations units of the People's Republic of China's People's Liberation Army (PLA). They are a part of the rapid mobilization forces and are trained to conduct a variety of missions, including but not limited to counter-terrorism, reconnaissance, unconventional warfare, and direct combat.

Training (PLA SOF) :

The PLA SOF undergoes rigorous training to prepare for various operations. This includes intense physical conditioning, marksmanship, hand-to-hand combat, survival training, demolition, and foreign languages. Given the diverse nature of China's geography, the training also covers different terrains like mountains, jungles, and deserts.

Missions (PLA SOF) :

  • The PLA SOF can be used in a wide range of missions:
  • Counter-terrorism: Responding to terror threats and conducting raids.
  • Direct Action: Short-duration strikes and offensive operations.
  • Reconnaissance: Gathering intelligence behind enemy lines.
  • Unconventional Warfare: Guerrilla warfare and operations with irregular forces.
  • Foreign Internal Defense: Training and equipping foreign military or paramilitary forces.
  • Counter-proliferation: Preventing the transfer or use of weapons of mass destruction.

Units (PLA SOF) :

The PLA SOF consists of various units, each trained for specific operations. These units are distributed across China's military regions.

Equipment (PLA SOF) :

The equipment of the PLA SOF is similar to that of other elite forces around the world. This includes advanced firearms, tactical gear, and communication devices. Over the years, China has modernized its equipment, ensuring that its forces are equipped with state-of-the-art gear.

Apart from the PLA SOF, China also has other special forces like the Snow Leopard Commando Unit and the Falcon Commando Unit, which are under the People's Armed Police and are primarily responsible for counter-terrorism operations.

It should be noted that, like other military units globally, much of the specific operations and capabilities of the Chinese special forces remain confidential.


What's The Total Number Of  Special Force China?

China has various special forces units that fall under different branches of the Chinese military, such as the People's Liberation Army (PLA), the People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN), and the People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF). These special forces are trained for various types of missions including, but not limited to, counter-terrorism, reconnaissance, and sabotage.

Some Notable Special Forces Units

  1. Snow Leopard Commando Unit: Formerly known as Snow Wolf, this is a police counter-terorism special forces unit of the People's Republic of China. They were established in 2002 and fall under the Ministry of Public Security (MPS). They are trained for urban warfare and anti-hijacking operations.
  2. Jiaolong (Sea Dragon) Commando Unit: This is a special operations unit of the PLA Navy Marine Corps. They were established in the late 1980s and have trained with Russian naval special forces.
  3. Falcon: This is a counter-terrorism unit under the People's Armed Police (PAP), a paramilitary force. It's one of the units in China trained to deal with domestic terrorism and internal security threats.
  4. Night Tigers: Special operations force within the PLA. They are trained for reconnaissance, assault, counter-terrorism, and other special operations.
  5. Leishen (Thunder God) Commando Airborne Units: Specialized in airborne operations including parachuting, assault, and counter-terrorism.
  6. Sky Sword Special Operations Brigade: This is a part of the PLA Air Force and is trained for missions including reconnaissance and direct combat.

Training and Capabilities

Chinese special forces undergo rigorous training, often involving hand-to-hand combat, advanced weapons training, parachuting, diving, and other specialized skills. They often participate in international competitions and joint training exercises.


The special forces units have been deployed in various types of missions both domestically and internationally. This includes counter-terrorism, peacekeeping missions, and other special operations. Their capabilities and exact numbers are often kept confidential.

It's important to note that while China's special forces have modernized significantly over the years, the details about their operations, training, and capabilities are not always transparent, and much of it remains classified.

Source : https://bit.ly/ludoetommy


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